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Tax Compliance

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​Our firm is experienced and efficient in U.S. tax compliance matters. At your request, we can prepare any Federal and state income/franchise tax, information, property tax, sales tax, and other returns and forms that may be required or appropriate for any corporation, partnership, estate, or trust. We can also prepare Federal and state individual income tax returns and employ tax optimization strategies for foreign employees assigned to the U.S. (inpatriates) or for U.S. employees assigned to foreign countries (expatriates). Should it become necessary, we will also represent you before taxing authorities.


Our Tax Compliance Services include:

​U.S. Federal and State Business Income/Gross Receipts Tax Returns

The U.S. Federal government requires that income tax returns be filed on an annual basis. The Federal form(s) to be filed and the methodology of taxation depend upon the type of entity doing business in the U.S. Each of the 50 states in the U.S. also has its own state tax law specifying its specific state income tax filings and methodology of taxation. The most common forms of doing business in the U.S. are U.S. corporationsU.S. partnershipsU.S. Limited Liability CompaniesU.S. S-Corporations, and Foreign Entity U.S. branch operations and Closed-end-Funds.

​U.S. Federal and State Individual Income Tax Returns

Individuals who earn income that is effectively connected to a U.S. trade or business (e.g. compensation earned while working in the United States, income allocated from U.S. partnerships, etc.) or have U.S. source income that is not effectively connected to a U.S. trade or business (e.g. dividends from U.S. entities or interest from U.S. entities) must generally file a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return and pay tax at applicable Federal individual income tax rates. The type of Federal individual income tax return that is filed and the income that is taxable to the individual is generally dependent upon whether the individual is a U.S. citizenU.S. green card holderU.S. residentU.S. Nonresident or Non-Resident Individuals for Closed-end Fund Investors.​
​State Indirect Tax Returns and Registrations

The U.S. is made up of fifty individual states and thousands of local tax jurisdictions, each of which has its own distinct taxing regime. As each of these jurisdictions seeks to maximize their revenues to accomplish their individual budgetary goals through tax law enforcement, it is important for both companies and individuals to be aware of the multitude of various state and local filing responsibilities. Our knowledgeable base of U.S. tax professionals can assist businesses in navigating the myriad of issues surrounding indirect taxes that U.S. companies face. We can assist you in filing state/county property tax returns, state/county sales/use tax returns, other state/local returns, and state/local tax registrations.​
​Other Tax or Tax-Related Returns

There are many other types of filing requirements in the U.S. A few of the most common include Bureau of Economic Analysis SurveysReport of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)gift tax returnsestate tax returns, and trust tax returns.​


Elisa Fay


Managing Partner Rödl National Tax

+1 404 525 2600

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