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Best Practices for Working from Home



As the uncertainties surrounding the effect of the COVID-19 virus grow, employees are transitioning from working in the office to working from home. And while a LinkedIn study from October 2019 found that 82% of workers wished they could work from home at least part-time; the reality of the situation may not be as easy as imagined. 

To help you better transition and work more effectively, here are our top tips and best resources for working from home:


1. Set a schedule

We can all admit that the best part of working from home is enjoying the comfort of your home all day, but don't let this get in your way of a productive workday. Set your work hours and work only withing those work hours.

Build your schedule around peak productivity periods and treat the day the same as you would if you were at the office. Doing work "whenever you feel like it" is a recipe for disaster and distraction.

Even though you are at home, don't let yourself do laundry or dishes while you're in your set work hours. Make these hours about what you need to accomplish for your job—not your home to-do list. It can be hard to separate this, but this will help you stay focused!


2. Keep in contact

Let your colleagues know your set schedule and keep them updated through a group calendar or group chat. Working from home may feel like being in a bubble, so be sure to collaborate with your team!

Communication is key while working from home, and it's important to keep your supervisor updated with what you're working on. Whether it's sending an email or checking tasks off on a shared checklist, make sure you have established a method to communicate your progress.


3. Designate your space

Don't let your dining table become cluttered with heaps of paper and engulfed with cords and cables! Designating a workspace allows you to keep work and life separate and hopefully distraction-free.

It's best if you select a space that allows you to close the door and walk away at the end of the day—somewhere separate from the common living spaces. Wherever you decide, make sure you have a conversation with those you live with about your workspace and schedule.


4. Get into your groove

Everyone has a different routine in the morning to get into your groove for the day. Maybe it's involves a big cup of coffee (or two or three), a quick exercise session, or sitting down for a good breakfast.

Whatever it is, give yourself time to get up in the morning, get dressed for your day, do your thing, and start work refreshed!


5. Stay informed and educated

It's okay if you struggle with getting into this new routine. There are many online resources that can help you remain engaged and productive in your daily activities while working remotely. For example, LinkedIn offers free courses to help inform you:



Priscilla Dowling



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